Cell-tech hardcore Pro Series one of the products from Muscletech. This supplement provide Creatine for building muscle 4x faster.Creatine is a protein to renew ATP during muscle recovery.It help to convert ADP + to ATP in present of Creatine-phosphate. I'm try this supplement after workout at gymnaseum, it give faster recovery and anabolic effect on my muscle..Muscle get bigger after rest on night. This supplement only RM175 i buy from www.musclemania.com. It have variable flavour such as orange, lime, fruit punch,chololate and grape.If you want to buildyour muscle faster, i'm suggest this product,.
How to Prepare a Drink ?
-Add 2 scoops (100g) or one servings cell tech into 300-340ml cold water(approx : one glass )
-Shake with bottle untul it dissolve completely,but im prefer better you blend this mixture with food blender with cold water or ice.
-Please avoid mixing this supplement to hot environment or hot water because enzyme/protein activity will denaturate and give less effective in building muscle(recovery process).
-Drink after wake sleep in the morning if you not workout on the day.If you workout drink after workout is efficient.
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