
Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Differences Between L-Aspartic Acid & D-Aspartic Acid

Aspartic acid, also known as aspartate, is one of 20 amino acids commonly used in your body. It’s considered a nonessential amino acid because it can be synthesized within your body from oxaloactetate, which is an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Amino acids and most other biologically active molecules are chiral, which means they exist as two molecules that are the mirror image of each other. In other words, they have the same chemical formula and similar properties, but they are oriented differently. Most naturally occurring proteins consist of L-form or “left-handed” amino acids, although the D-form or “right-handed” varieties are used by your body also.

Chiral Molecules

The origin of chirality in biology is the subject of much debate. Scientists are not sure why biologically active molecules such as enzymes and amino acids exist in two forms that mirror each other. Theories involve rotation of the Earth, electromagnetic radiation from the sun and polarized radiation from elsewhere in the universe. In terms of amino acids, the L-form is by far the most predominant. The L-form designation usually refers to the “levorotatory” or counterclockwise rotation of the molecule, but it can also refer to which isomer of glyceraldehyde the amino acid comes from. The D-form represents “dextrorotatory” or clockwise rotation when the molecule is exposed to polarized light.

L-Aspartic Acid

Aspartic acid was first discovered in 1827 by deriving it from asparagine, which in turn had been isolated from asparagus juice about 20 years earlier. Aspartic acid was eventually understood to be an amino acid. Like all amino acids, aspartic acid is a chiral molecule. The L-isomer is one of the 20 amino acids or building blocks of protein-based structures in human beings. Muscle tissue, skin, hair, fingernails and enzymes are all made from amino acids. L-aspartic acid is found in food, but it can also be made in your body, which makes it a nonessential amino acid.

D-Aspartic Acid

While L-aspartic acid is widely used in your body as a building block, the biological role of its counterpart or enantiomer, D-aspartic acid, is much more limited. D-aspartic acid occurs naturally within all animals, but in much lower amounts compared to L-aspartic acid. D-aspartic acid is known to accumulate in the pituitary gland, pineal gland and testes, and is involved in hormone production, according to the “Textbook of Functional Medicine.” More specifically, it stimulates the release of sex hormones from the pituitary gland and testosterone from the testes. Consequently, D-aspartic acid has become a popular supplement among bodybuilders, other serious athletes and elderly men who have low-circulating levels of testosterone.

Dietary Sources

Both forms of aspartic acid are found in food, although your body uses them in different ways as noted above. Exceptional animal-based sources of aspartic acid include beef, wild game, salmon, shrimp and eggs, according to the “Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition.” Good vegetable sources include sprouting seeds, legumes, most nuts, avocados and asparagus.

Effect Creatine Supplement

Creatine is an amino acid made in the body. As one of the most researched supplements on the market, new creatine effects are being discovered all the time. Research shows that creatine can enhance overall health by acting as an antioxidant and slowing down the aging process.

Offers Antioxidant Effects

In a 2006 study, researchers investigated the effects of creatine on free radical damage, which are molecules associated with diseases and aging. They found that adding creatine to cells reduced free radical damage and allowed more cells to survive compared to cells not exposed to creatine, according to the Nutra-Ingredients website. Scientists noted that creatine's ability to act as a mild antioxidant is the reason behind the results.

Increases Muscle Glycogen

Creatine is often used by athletes to increase muscle mass, but a 2003 study conducted by UK researchers found that creatine can also boost athletic performance in long-distance events spread over several days. Muscle glycogen, the stored form of carbs in the body, is used to fuel exercise. When these stores run low, fatigue sets in. Replenishing muscle glycogen sufficiently is vital for preventing fatigue during performance. Researchers found that creatine supplementation following exercise significantly increased muscle glycogen stores compared to a placebo.

Protects Againist Traumatic Brain Injury

In a 2000 study, University of Kentucky researchers reported that creatine can help reduce brain damage after a traumatic brain injury. Subjects suffering from a traumatic brain injury had greater reductions in brain damage following creatine supplementation than those taking a placebo.

Supplies Anti-aging Effects

Creatine might be effective in helping slow down the aging process. In research published in the August 2005 issue of the "Journal of Investigative Dermatology," German researchers reported that creatine supplementation inhibits mutations in the mitochondrial DNA, which is associated with anti-aging.

Effect of Caffeine on Body

Like any stimulant, caffeine can create problematic sleep patterns when it isn't consumed in moderation. Caffeine affects energy levels by blocking adenosine receptors. Adenosine is a chemical that normally triggers the body to feel sleepy. "Moderate intake" may differ from person to person, since some are more sensitive to caffeine than others.

How Much Caffeine

Caffeine not only blocks the chemicals that normally trigger sleep, but it also increases production of adrenaline and dopamine, which is why it is classified as a stimulant. These effects also make caffeine potentially addictive. Generally speaking, you should limit your caffeine intake to 200 or 300 milligrams each day, according to the Mayo Clinic. This amount is the equivalent of 2 to 4 cups of coffee, depending on the strength of the brew. Other products that contain caffeine include green and black tea, chocolate, sodas, energy drinks and some dietary supplements and medications.

How Much Sleep

Although specific sleep recommendations vary based on your age and medical condition, most doctors suggest that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Keep in mind that the quality of sleep is just as important as the quantity. In addition to moderating your caffeine intake, you can improve your sleep quality by enforcing a regular bedtime, even on weekends, and by also avoiding nicotine and alcohol before you go to sleep.

Timing Is Everything

If you consume caffeine in moderation but still have a hard time sleeping at night, evaluate the timing of your caffeine consumption. Caffeine commonly has stimulant effects for four to six hours after consumption, and some people may experience effects for as long as 12 hours after consumption, according to the National Sleep Foundation. For this reason, avoid drinking caffeinated beverages or other caffeinated products for at least six to eight hours before your bedtime, and even longer if you have a higher sensitivity to caffeine.


The best way to balance sleep and caffeine is to avoid excesses on both sides. Consuming more than 500 milligrams of caffeine per day is considered to be excessive, and may cause sleep problems as well as irritability, muscle tremors, heart palpitations and stomach upset. Consider taking naps during the day if you have trouble sleeping at night, and consult your doctor if you get less than five or more than 10 hours of sleep per night and feel tired during the day.

Supplement for Muscle Building

 Cell-tech hardcore Pro Series one of the  products from Muscletech. This supplement provide Creatine for building muscle 4x faster.Creatine is a protein to renew ATP during muscle recovery.It help to convert ADP + to ATP in present of Creatine-phosphate. I'm try this supplement after workout at gymnaseum, it give faster recovery and anabolic effect on my muscle..Muscle get bigger after rest on night. This supplement only RM175 i buy from It have variable flavour such as orange, lime, fruit punch,chololate and grape.If you want to buildyour muscle faster, i'm suggest this product,.

How to Prepare a Drink ?

-Add 2 scoops (100g) or one servings cell tech into 300-340ml cold water(approx : one glass )
-Shake with bottle untul it dissolve completely,but im prefer better you blend this mixture with food blender with cold water or ice.
-Please avoid  mixing this supplement to hot environment or hot water because enzyme/protein activity will denaturate and give less effective in building muscle(recovery process).
-Drink after wake sleep in the morning if you not workout on the day.If you workout drink after workout is efficient.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Selamat Tinggal Geng

Masa Mula2 masuk U.,muka semua masih suci..kah2..

Masa tahun 2,.Zaman Kegemilangan

Masa tahun 3,.sem 1,.baru nk berjinak dgn tesis. baru nk blaja wt research la katakan,.:P

Alhamdulillah..tesis sudah siap...Selamat berpraktikal & Bergraduasi semua kawan ku..:D

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Garis panduan Latihan Industri Fakulti Sains & Teknologi Sesi 2011/2013 | UKM

Kepada Pelajar tahun akhir Sesi 2011/2012 Universiti Kebangasaan Malaysia yang bakal menajalani latihan industri pada 7 Julai 2012.sila muat turun garis panduan LI disini

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